Sewage Requirements


In May 2012, Borough Council adopted an ordinance providing for a sewage management program for the Borough of Bear Creek Village. This ordinance was in accordance with municipal codes, the Clean Streams Law and the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, and was intended to prevent and abate water pollution and hazards to the public health caused by improper treatment and disposal of sewage. The full text of this ordinance may be reviewed by clicking on the Ordinances Link found under the Documents menu above. 

The purposes of the on-lot sewage ordinance are to:


The property owner or his/her agent must obtain an on-lot sewage permit before:

Permit Application Forms are obtained from the Borough's Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO). The current SEO is Steven Egenski. He can be reached by phone at 570-239-7086 or by US mail at 582 Old Newport Road, Waname, PA 18634. The Application Form is an official Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) form with an original and 3 copies, so it must be obtained from Mr. Egenski. The form is very detailed and designed to cover multiple situations. Mr. Egenski will assist the applicant in determining the portions of the application form to be completed and the permit fees that will apply. Permit fees will vary depending on the project and are intended to cover the full cost of SEO services. See the FEE SCHEDULE  for more information. before applying for a permit application, Mr. Egenski recommends that anyone planning septic work read the  Outline of Soil Testing and Permitting for On-Lot Septic Systems that is available on his website

Upon receipt of an on-lot sewage permit, it is necessary to obtain a zoning permit before commencing construction. Please click on the Zoning Requirements Link under the Borough Services and Requirements menu above for more information.


The on-lot sewage ordinance requires all on-lot sewage facilities to be registered by the property owner on a form provided by the Borough. Most property owners have completed this registration. If you have not registered your on-lot sewage facility, have modified an existing facility or installed a new one, please complete the registration FORM and mail it to the Borough of Bear Creek Village, P.O. Box 332, Bear Creek, PA 18602, or email to the Borough Secretary at


Bear Creek Village is located in a High Quality Watershed. In order to maintain the quality of life and environmental soundness of the Borough, the on-lot sewage ordinance requires property owners to maintain their on-lot sewage facilities in such a manner that all liquid wastes will go into a treatment tank and there will be no discharge of untreated or partially treated wastes to the surface of the ground or into any waters in Bear Creek Village. To this end, all owners of properties on which a septic tank or tanks are located must have the tank(s) emptied every three years and a copy of the pumping receipt sent to the Borough. Three years is the minimum requirement. If the tank is undersized or not functioning properly, more frequent pumping may be required. Pumping receipts can be either 

In addition to regular pumping of septic tanks, the ordinance requires property owners to take any other steps needed to assure a properly functioning on-lot sewage facility. This includes but is not limited to activities like obtaining required maintenance agreements for any aerobic system, cleaning and unclogging of piping, servicing and repair of mechanical equipment, removal of obstructions and diverting surface water away from the disposal area.