Borough Services 

General Information

Services provided by the Borough of Bear Creek Village include road construction, maintenance and repair, zoning, planning and code enforcement. Decisions related to these services are made by Borough Council at regularly scheduled meetings held the third Monday of each month at 7 PM. While some decisions of council may be made by simple motion recorded in the meeting minutes, many decisions require more formal action and are approved by Resolution or by Ordinance. A resolution generally states a position or policy of the Borough, whereas an ordinance, which is more formal and authoritative than a resolution, is a local law that usually regulates persons or property. Current minutes, resolutions and ordinances of the Borough of Bear Creek Village are posted to this website as they are approved and can be accessed by clicking HERE.

The Borough of Bear Creek Village is not a full-service municipality. The borough does not provide police, fire,  emergency, utility or recreational services. Police protection is provided by the Luzerne County Sheriff (570-825-1651), and fire protection is provided by the the Bear Creek Township Volunteer Hose Company (570-472-3016).  Emergency medical services are provided by Plains Ambulance as the primary responder but may be provided by different ambulance companies depending on availability at the time of a call. In an emergency situation, the fastest way to reach any of the above services is to call 911.

Recreation and the Bear Creek Association

While biking, hiking and jogging along Bear Creek Village roads is a favorite activity enjoyed by many, all recreational facilities located in the village, including lake, picnic area, tennis courts, playing fields and clubhouse are privately owned by the Bear Creek Association. There is no Public access to the Bear Creek Association recreational facilities.  The Bear Creek Association (BCA) is a recreational and social organization of Borough residents. All of the recreational and social amenities of the Borough (including the lake, clubhouse, picnic area, and playing fields are owned, maintained, operated and managed by the BCA for the benefit of members. Membership is voluntary and is limited to borough residents only. Bear Creek Lake is private and offers NO Public Access.

Homeowner Requirements

All homes in the village are serviced by private wells and septic systems that are the responsibility of homeowners.  Homeowners are also responsible for contracting for their own trash and recycling services.