Notices of general interest, including summaries of recent projects, will be posted here.

  • November 15, 2021-Council reviewed the proposed 2022 budget and approved releasing it for public review prior to its approval at the December 20th Borough Council Meeting. Click HERE to view the proposed 2022 Borough of Bear creek Village budget.

  • November 15, 2021-John Woloszyn was appointed to the position of Septic Administrator. In this position he will be reminding property owners when septic tanks are due for pumping and following up with the property owner as needed until tanks have been pumped.

  • May 24, 2021 -LEGAL NOTICE: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a Regular Meeting of the Borough of Bear Creek Village Council to be held at 7 p.m.on Monday, June 21, 2021, Council will consider passage of Ordinance # 2 of 2021, an ordinance accepting and ordaining certain roads as public streets. The proposed Ordinance authorizes the Borough of Bear Creek Village to accept Deeds of Dedication for Seneff Lane and Beach Road and to open these two streets for public use. A full and complete copy of Ordinance No. 2 of 2021 is available for review by emailing

  • October 19, 2020-Resolution #5 of 2020 was approved by Council. this resolution summarizes and updates the fund balance policy that was adopted by Council in 2016 and used for making budget decisions for each year since 2016. The resolution is available for review on the Resolutions page of this website.

  • October 14, 2020-The October Council meeting will again be closed to the public due to continuing COVID-19 concerns. Please contact the Borough Secretary by phone or email as listed in the footer below for information about how to connect to the meeting.

  • September 18, 2020-As in prior months, the September Council meeting will continue to be closed to the public due to COVID-19 concerns. Please contact the Borough Secretary by phone or email as listed in the footer below for information about how to connect to the meeting.

  • August 14, 2020-The August Council meeting held at the Bear Creek Association Clubhouse will continue to be closed to the public due to continuing COVID-19 concerns. The meeting will include video/teleconference capabilities in order to permit virtual attendance of any Council member who chooses to attend virtually and members of the public Please contact the Borough Secretary by phone or email as listed in the footer below for information about how to connect to the meeting.

  • July 18, 2020-The July Council meeting will be held at the Bear Creek Association Clubhouse. Due to continuing COVID-19 concerns, the meeting will include video/teleconference capabilities in order to permit virtual attendance of Council Members and members of the public. Members of the public will not be permitted to attend the meeting in-person. Please contact the Borough Secretary by phone or email as listed in the footer below for information about how to connect to the meeting.

  • June 9, 2020-Residents were notified by email that the June Council meeting on June 15 would again be held by teleconference. Please contact the Borough Secretary by phone or email as listed in the footer below for information about how to connect to the meeting.

  • May 18, 2020-Resolution #3 of 2020 implementing provisions of Act 15 of 2020 relating to Property Tax relief was approved by Council.

  • May 18, 2020--The May Council meeting was again held by teleconference.

  • April 15, 2020-Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the April Council meeting at 7 pm on April 20 will be held by teleconference. Like all council meeting, this meeting is open to the public. If you would like to participate, please contact Borough Secretary, Billie Gillean, at the email or phone number listed at the bottom of this page for instructions on how to connect to the meeting.

  • March 8, 2020-Mayor Walter Mitchell has announced a burn ban due to low humidity and high winds--effective immediately and until further notice.

  • Open Burning Ordinance - Ordinance #1 of 2019 regulating what can be burned and when and where it can be burned was adopted by the Borough of Bear Creek Village Council at their November 2019 meeting. Any outside burning must now be done in compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance.

  • 2020 Budget - The budget document may be viewed by clicking on the following link: 2020 Proposed Budget.

  • Guy Rothery appointed to fill Vacant Council Position - Following the resignation of George Albert on Sept. 17, 2018, George Albert was elected by Council at the October 15th Council meeting and appointed to fill the vacancy until the next Municipal election.

  • On September 3rd the Borough of Bear Creek Village turns 25 years young. There will be a short presentation by the Pennsylvania Association of Boroughs to Mayor Mitchell and the community at the Dam Kiosk this Saturday, September 1st at 10am. Residents are encouraged to attend.

  • 2018 Budget and 2018 Tax Ordinance - The budget and tax ordinance will be adopted at the December Council meeting. These documents may be viewed by clicking on the following links: 2018 Proposed Budget and 2018 Draft Tax Ordinance.

  • 6/19/2017 Receipt of Local Share Account (LSA) grant - The borough has received a grant in the amount of $200,000 to be used for road improvements. This will be a continuation of road improvement work started in 2016 using LSA grant funds received in 2015. Road improvements funded with this new grant will be completed in Spring/Summer 2018.

  • 2017 Meeting Schedule-Council meetings will continue to be held the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Bear Creek Association Clubhouse. Planning Commission Meetings, when needed, will be held at 7:00 PM on the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Bear Creek Association Clubhouse..

  • Enforcement of Maintenance standards. On June 20, 2016 Council approved Ordinance No. 1 of 2016 adopting the 2012 International Property Maintenance Code as the minimum standards to which all Bear Creek Village properties must be maintained, and in August 2016 Council initiated code enforcement activities.

  • Ordinance Codification Project. Jack Varaly was hired in February 2016 to codify all existing Borough ordinances. This will organize and streamline all laws adopted by ordinance so they will be easier to access. This is a long-term project that is expected to be completed before year-end. When completed, the codified ordinance will be posted to this website. In the meantime, some of the primary ordinances are available now. To view, click on the Ordinances link on the upper menu under Documents.

  • 2016 Road Improvement Project. Receipt of a Local Share Grant in the amount of $125,000 has enabled the Borough to move forward with greatly needed repairs to portions of Beaupland and other roads. Council will be applying for another Local Share Grant in the near future to enable completion of other needed road improvements.