Code Enforcement

Property Maintenance Code Ordinance

In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Borough, Council approved Ordinance No 1 of 2016 on June 20, 2016. This Ordinance accomplishes the following:

To view the full text of the Property Maintenance Code Ordinance, click on the Ordinances link found under the Documents menu above.  

Enforcement of the Property Maintenance Ordinance

Most Bear Creek Village property owners maintain their property in a manner that exceeds the minimum standards of the International Property Maintenance Code. But when a property owner allows his or her property to become dilapidated to the point that it is unsafe or unhealthy it becomes a hazard to all. In August 2016 Borough Council notified all residents that the Borough employs Building Inspection Underwriters of PA (BIU) to ensure compliance with our Ordinances and property maintenance codes.   Click HERE  to view that notification  

If you become concerned that a particular property presents a health or safety hazard, please bring it to the attention of Council President, John Parsons. 

Note: BIU services also include ensuring compliance with Uniform Construction Code (UCC) standards. They are asked to investigate when work that is subject to UCC regulations is being performed without a permit.